Well there we have it, the new additions! Okay I know it took too much time, and I have a ton of excuses...... but suffice it to say that I really am not a web person and this is a task I heartily will put off and off..... and of course I struggled to do even this...... I thought I had put it into a gallery and then connected it to the blog and then the design page, but alas all that work and it was not to be! I had to redo it all..... and as I know how to blog I just did it here, so we will wait till my webgal is back to help me put it to the design page too!
ENJOY! Lots of shops were at the Nashville Needlework Market so check with your LNS and they will be able to help you.
Just a little note on the above patterns - The Tag Trio patterns - all three and the Spring Quaker Pincushions are just available through JDD - they are full kits with linen fabric, Floss and Wool to stitch with, the wool felt or cotton fabric backing, the brads to attach it to the board, and the do-dahs... the board is purchased separately. Your local shop can order from JDD. All other patterns are available from distributors.
Below are the descriptions for each pattern.
The Four Seasons Sampler - a sampler for all seasons, with specialty stitches galore and a lovely satin stitch border in 3 colours of Lorikeet Wool - this is sure to please!
The Four Seasons Accessories - a delightful 3 piece set of smalls with a seasonal theme. The needlebook was so fun to do!
Isle of Hope -a journey from the 'old world' to a new life. 1892 is when Ellis Island opened to immigrants. Again the border is in Lorikeet Wool and the rest of the piece in silks but they complement each other beautifully.
Isle of Hope Accessories - Some delightful smalls that fit nicely into a small box, I placed a picture of my Mom and Dad on the boat they immigrated on - on the inside lid of the box, and put in a few items from my mom's sewing room in the box along with the stitched smalls.
Numero - No. - designed on the popular French style or industrial style of Numbers that are used in all ways of life - we love our alphabets but numbers are great too!
Spring Quaker Pincushions - the quick little treat to stitch in quaker style, a pincushion, a scissors fob or lovely little flower for your desk!
Tag Trio - Pins and Needles - this is in a set of three tags - the wood tag is stained a lovely grey and each board has a theme - this one is pins and needles, add a couple of pins or use as a pincushion - or hang all three with black clothes pins in your window!
Tag Trio - Scissors - this is in a set of three tags - the wood tag is stained a lovely grey and each board has a theme - this one is Scissors, add a pair of scissors between the board and pincushion - or hang all three with black clothes pins on a rope in your window!
Tag Trio - Threads - this is in a set of three tags - the wood tag is stained a lovely grey and each board has a theme - this one isThreads, add your left over threads you've stitched with onto the thread rings- or hang all three with black clothes pins on a rope in your window!
Take Time to Collect - the 11th in the Take Time Series. Always a fun stitch, and features some stitching collectibles from thimbles to scissors and a lovely little silver key charm.