Yay! I am doing great. This time around no nasty infections. Once I was over the 2 week hump on Wednesday and got my staples out I felt I was on my way. I can walk around the big block here, and it seems that is all I am focused on is walking! No arthritic pain, yay! I must tell you about a lovely stitcher who has made up the fonts for My Stitching Album into a chart form for us. Go to the MSA icon and then clik on the first box with the original information leaflet I had to promote this and under it you will find pdf's for the Alphabet Stitches. I want to express my thanks to Diana Sheppard for her work on this. It is truly appreciated. I am not sure if this will link you to that page -MSA Alpahbet Stitches but I hope so.
As you can see it is a busy year next year with event opportunities all over! Do come join me in an event somewhere either close to you or one where you have always wanted to go, it is such a special thing to do. It is not often in our daily lives that we can share with like minded people and totally immerse yourself in what your passion is. The events have gifted me with something that I missed after not nursing as much and that was people contact. It has been terrific meeting so many of you and I hope that we can meet again or meet anew!
I am working at all the new Nashville stuff and while all of it is stitched I now have to do the instructions! Always a challenge to write it down in a fashion that is understood by many! Look for new things to come your way soon.