On to Celebration of Needlework


Really I should have posted when I returned from Florida - I had the best time! Great event, great ladies, we had a blast. Thank you ladies for making it a most memorable time from start to finish. Cathy Coggins from Needlecraft World had us all set up in lovely suites and a great stitching classroom, it was terrific and of course the weather couldn't have been better for a northerner. Lots of fun had by all and I see by some posts that there are quite a few who are done their sampler - hats off you too! 'Sunshine Welcome' for sure. Thank you to the 'English' ladies who made the trip over the pond for the retreat. What an absolute treat to see you and I cherish that you took the time to come. I love it so - that when I come home and see facebook posts, I know who you are!! That is wonderful. Now on to the next event! Celebration of Needlework! If you have never been .... it is a must! Lots of teachers, shopping booths, and excitment galore! My first time I was very intimidated and I felt like the wall flower girl at a prom dance... I reverted to my grade 3 shy self - but hey you know I am not really that way! - just when it is all so new.... but now, I love it!! I look forward to seeing you all there, it is such a good event. There are round robins, there is shopping for things we love, there is friendships made  and friendships to nuture and things to be learned in the classes. See you there next week! In each class I am doing I am basically full; but I could make 2 more kits so I did... so there may be some room to join in on site.

New releases- Finally yes, I will be releasing the Patritotic Sampler that I did for a class in Massachusetts last year. We are just waiting for it to come from the printer and some of the threads for the kits... hopefully this week - so I can send them on to the distributors for the shops to order. But then of course with me being gone to NH - it will probably all get pushed to the middle of May when I return to deal with it all. With it I am releasing 2 accessory kits that are very cute too. One is Flag Needlekeep  and the other is Stars Pyn Roll-they both will have all the threads( The Gentle Art Simply Wool) and buttons and Weeks Dye Workds Wool backing Felt fabric to stitch it with in the kits. I will post the items in the blog here below.

After New Hampshire and CofN - I will go to Montreal to spend a few days with a great teacher who has taken classes in Europe on Italian Whitework and Schwalm etc. - so I too can learn new things and help me to grow in my craft! Then I will fly on to Toronto and area and see my sisters and families and friends. Always nice to fit in a little family time! And Charland Garvin you must keep an afternoon open for me, looking forward to seeing you!


Patriotic Sampler

Stars Pin & Scissors Roll

Flag Needlekeep

Patriotic Sampler - is done on 32 ct Lambswool using Gloriana Threads silk, Classic Colorworks silk and various buttons and charms. An emb. pack is available. Stars Pin and Scissors Roll & Flag Needlekeep are both stitched on 32 ct Natural using The Gentle Art Simply Wool threads and Weeks Dye Works Wool Felt for finishing, and includes the buttons - in separate kits. These kits are only available through JDD. The sampler is available through the distributors.

On a sadder note, we lost a very lovely stitchy lady a few weeks ago to cancer who was dear to my heart - Gina Reyes - she came to alot of my classes whether they were near or far and I will miss her smiling cheerful face in class and her friendship. I think this is the gift of my work in designing.... the instant bond that stitching creates in us. Thank you Gina for making my life the richer for knowing you. Patriotic Sampler was the last class she took with me.

I had so very much fun the Patterned Pretties and so have done a new one with SPRING colours - and I have a couple more coming.... #7 that you see here is available now and #8 is almost ready, and #9 and #10 are being stitched (PS. I have pulled out most of 9 so we begin again...!), they have been very enjoyable for me, a little of a challenge because of specialty stitches, but the challenge has been colour too - it doesn't always go together just because you think it should! ha! It is turning out to be a little lesson in colour and pattern for me, oh it's the best - I love that. Well not the restitching mind you.... but the playing....

Patterned Pretties # 7

So as we finally get spring here in Calgary I love that I can eat my lunch outside on the deck, and that things are finally turning green from that awful brown. It is very much a renewal - the spring on the prairies. Enjoy spring wherever you are and see you soon.

On the Stars  Pin and Scissors Roll; there is scissors fob shown, it is a free pattern for you and I hope I did this right - this should be the link to do the pdf.  Scissors Fob -Free pattern_1

As always, enjoy, stitch happy. Jeannette