The month of April flew by.... the JDD Hawaiian cruise through the islands was fabulous. I think I can say for all the ladies that we had a wonderful time. And well maybe the men too, alot of husbands came along and we all had such a wonderful time together from the Pearl Harbour tour, to the Polynesian Cultural Center, from the Road to Hana to other Maui interests. From lava tubes to black beaches and hot lava flowing at night into the sea while the ship sailed past. You wouldn't know it from my pictures, I think everyday I took flower pictures.... my goodness the colours.... awesome! We had stellar weather... in fact, I was rather melting everyday.... and when Dale and I stayed for a second week on the Big Island, we tried a new beach everyday... so I could be cool in the water or snorkle... fun!
To say Mahalo to the gals at Fiddlesticks Too - isn't enough for all they did to make us feel welcome - they were supberb! We had pupus ( appetizers) lovely and I recevied a lovely tuberose lei - that was so fragrant, it was amazing. We all chatted and visited islanders and cruisers alike and enjoyed their hospitality. It was the highlight in Honolulu! on every island we found a stitching/quilting store which was great. The bus driver even stopped for one on the tour- not on his itinerary...... but he did!
As for why it took so long to blog.... well suffice it to say that being away for several weeks.... had me a pile of mail -electronic and otherwise.... and all my fall classes staring me in the face.... and of course orders..... now that it is down to a dull roar I can think again!
Just after I came home from Hawaii I had a note from Vickie at Hedgehog Stitchery in Whitby, Ontario - and she sent the link to a wonderful idea she had for the JCS Christmas ornaments. Here is the link and check it out! I love it! Vickie it turned out terrific, and what a super idea. Thanks for sharing.... Vickie at Hedgehogstitchery says:
"PS...wanted to show you something I did with your Christmas stamps from Just Cross Stitch. I needed something for an ornament exchange and wanted something a little different than a hanging ornament I combined the designes, added some blackwork and everyone loved it." Imagination is awesome isn't it!
Then this week I got a note from Linda at The Craft Connection in Edmonton, Alberta
She loved 'Numero" and felt inspired to work on this piece her own way... those who know me, know I love this.... make it your own is my mantra! That is the way we all feel creative and makes for unique pieces. She says she used - and she was happy to share..... WDW- Tin Roof Gingham -28ct, Valdani -Ebony Almond, WDW Onyx, Gloriana Threads- Mocha, and she laughed and says to warn you of the count..... on some squares there is compensation.... you know trying to fit odd ball things into a certain spot needs creativity to fit it!
Continue to stitch and I look forward to more 'shares' - so fun to see.... and I will be working on loading the main design page after getting another refresher on how to do it.... coming soon!
So pleased that the UK - English Beauty sampler is done and framed for Fobbles this late August early September - it is a treat, and right after this sampler I did one for De Handwerk Boetiek in Holland -Dutch Beauty Sampler and I am thrilled with both results. I see I might have to do a French and Italian or Spanish one..... so neat to do, but lots of research.... took a few years.... but the result is amazing. You know I have always liked geography......
Thank you girls for coming on the cruise with me, what fun we had. Hope you enjoy your 'Aloha Hawai'i ' piece and I see someone finished the pincushion 'Lei' - lovely!
My next journey is to Sturbridge, MA to do the Patriotic Sampler for Stitchers Hideaway retreats- wow, I love it! It was so fun and now I am enjoying stitching some smalls to go with it! I have collected a little stack of backing fabrics in patriotic colours and some wool felt and buttons - so it should be fun to finish them on this long weekend ahead.
Aloha to all, and may you have sunny spring days ahead with gardening and stitching time.... makes me think of a new pattern- how about Garden Stitches in the Stitches series - in the Acorn box - hope Bob's ankle at Olde Colonial Designs is healing well.... we may need more boxes!!
Cheers, jeannette