Wishing you all the best of the year ahead. And what a year it will be.... I am already struggling with my commitments and ask myself now how will I get this all done. I like having things organized my desk clear and the work table clear, I have not seen the bottom of either for weeks! Now even the floor is getting used. This pile goes with this.... this one with that... oh where is my other pile?.... oh way over there? now why did I do that? Yikes, I wish I could say that things go smoothly but really it ends up that it is broken up in bits and starts. Whether it is bookeeping or orders, or having to order or printing or taking pictures, it is often on the fly and did we actually hear the word design in there? I think that I shouldn't even admit it.... that the designing gets done at the oddest hours. Is that because one does it when you have the idea? I think there is never a right moment, some of it is just the pressure to do it, some of it is you have been percolating in the background about something and some of it is inspirational moments!
I have to talk to my webgal about trying to get some pictures up of what you all have been doing with your My Stitching Albums. If you have pictures and would like to share... I am hoping that we can create somewhere for you to share them. I know that some of you have been very creative and I would love to see! Let me talk to her and I will let you know.
One always has to talk about the weather and I can joyfully say we are in plus temperatures, under a chinook arch, what a treat in the long winter. It breaks it up for sure.
The picture was taken at Virginia Beach, it was very windy that day, but how cute those beach balls; just calling for picture taking.
Nashville's a coming and we will have lots of new small and bigger projects for you to work on!