It was such a terrific time in Alameda, CA across the bay from Oakland. I enjoyed it immensely. Wow, the stitchers were awesome and to see Cathe's lovely new digs at Needle In A Haystack - it was a treat. We enjoyed fabulous weather some great stitching and just plain old fun. Cathe and I even sang for the group, imagine, me a rather rusty choir veteran...... she did great doing " Oh Canada" was pretty cool to sing my national anthem in Amercia. Thanks Cathe! Thank you stitchers for all your gifts and company, the weekend went just so fast. I also really enjoyed being to able spend some time with Anne Frazier of Gloriana Threads and talk about colour and threads, so fun. It was a lovely spot on the water for the event and then this landlocked Albertan got to enjoy the ferry ride over to San Francisco on Monday on a bright sunny day. I have updated the events page for next year, I believe there is just one more to post - the event for Dyeing to Stitch in Virginia Beach in the fall. I am so pleased to be going to some great places next year. I am thrilled to say that I am coming to Minnesota, it was a very event filled time to go there in 2004 and I will never forget it. Suffice it to say that it was a grand border event in Homeland Security style!
I am madly or actually in a big muddle trying to get my projects done for next year, Nashville is mostly done..... not quite.... but getting there and then all the new projects for the events. I have pulled out every thread, every stitch book I have and made a thorough mess. I can't seem to work on just one project, I feel pressured to do all at one time, how goofy... I wish I didn't do that. My mind twirls and goes in all different directions, so yes, I couldn't get to sleep last night, too many ideas and racing thoughts. Nevertheless, I was able to put some of those thoughts to computer and paper today, so hopefully it will go better tonight. There is a ton of snow outside and below zero, we were having such a wonderful fall, it's too bad, but it is very pretty.
Here are some pictures to enjoy. One of our wonderful stitching group at Needle In A Haystack's event and one of Cathe and I in San Fran.